From time to time we see things that bring us up short: a person or a picture that speaks to us.

As I write this, half the Amazon Forest is on fire, deliberately lit.

This should appal us; just as the face of a newborn can humble and inspire us – my step-daughter gave birth to a boy, Harry, last week.

My poem Fire is all about this kind of revelation for good or ill.


He turned

and saw red fire lighting up the bush

thorns sharp,

flowers in bloom colours all alive


She turned

from a trail of tears

to face the fiery love of one ascending

to the source of light her eyes and heart alive,

their voices blending.

Will our world

in floods and flames turn aside

to hear that voice

so loving and so searing?

See flames leap high

in gathering darkness that all around

is falling?

See, Exodus 3:3, Moses, “I must turn aside”;

John 20:14,16, of Mary, “She turned around”;

“She turned.”

This plays on the Burning Bush that spoke to Moses; or the Christ who spoke to Mary.

So here are two pictures: one of the biblical story; and the other a tree on the shores of Lake Taupo, NZ, in all its autumn glory.




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