It’s 25 June today: my birthday and the day I received copies of my book of poems, Heartscapes, published by Austin Macaulay. We’re having a family celebration tonight and I might read some of my poems then. We live in Wellington, New Zealand. Our house looks out over the harbour. Today a regular gale is blowing and the sun’s out. Heres’ a little poem that evokes what it looks like.

As morning breaks

I muse on rising winds

roughing up the seascape

visible in whitecaps,

sea-grey and muted greens

wild refractors of a light

sheltering and indwelling aura

of the One that heals

and brokers safety

overcoming travails

of strung-out voyages

through vision of a harbour

now haven for gatherings

of unblinded sight.

That’s pretty much how I feel: the book’s a gift; and a challenge to go on writing; and, in general, to be gift to others, not a drag or a pain in the butt!

At my age, 83, a real danger!

Raymond/ 25 June 21


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